Vocation Ministry

In a world constantly changing and secularized, where the privatization of the faith is often standard practice, do we still believe in this ministry?

Some thoughts for reflection concerning this question, following two meetings with Father P.O. Tremblay, omi.

Two challenges:

Let what God sows grow (the catechumens, the volunteers, the interfaith movement, the green Church, the new communities, etc.)

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? (Is 43, 19)
«God is asking us to change our eyeglasses»

God is always at work, God works in the heart of persons, let us be collaborators.

Let us discern what God is sowing in us and in the heart of the young, let us be tuned to the calls and learn to harmonize these seeds which emerge in today’s world.

In the Church, let us not stay in the choir or the nave, but let us go out into the vestibule and even more, on to the market place…

God is waiting for us, let us embark with Him