3) - How to become an Associate?
To become an associate within one’s respective state of life, respond to the Lord by deepening one’s baptismal commitment according to the Gospel in the light of the charism, mission and spirituality of the RHSJ family. Different phases are proposed:
1. Preliminary meeting
This meeting can be held in a group or personally to provide information on the process and proposed activities. The leaflet regarding associates could be given at this meeting.
2. Personal interview
Following the initial information session, if the person continues to show interest in becoming an associate, a meeting will be held with the group coordinator to share personal reasons of this aspiration. An initial questionnaire is given and an invitation is extended to come to a group meeting. (Appendix I)
3. Basic formation
Its aim is to:
- Share on the meaning of Baptism and the Eucharist in our lives.
- Discover and be nurtured by the history of the founders with their charism, spirituality and their mission in the Church.
- Allow the future associates to recognize this call to live the Gospel in their daily life by revealing this aspect of God’s love present in the charism and the spirituality of the founders “a love that unites and frees.”
- Promote the sense of belonging to a spiritual family.
- Discern the authenticity of God’s call in the formation of the person.
(Appendix V1)
4. Accompaniment – Discernment
Throughout this period of formation, meet with the coordinator to share and evaluate the lived personal and group life. This can be done by means of a questionnaire. (appendix II)
5. First commitment
Following a period of formation and personal integration, in agreement with the coordinator, the candidate submits the request in writing which is sent to the General Coordinator. (Appendix III) This request, along with the written evaluation of the local coordinator, is submitted to the Superior General and her council for acceptance.
6. Continued formation
Becoming an “Associate step by step” implies a long process. To live the liberty of the children of God requires being nourished by the Word of God, the teaching of the Church, the life and experience of the Founders and quality time for personal enrichment.
Belonging to a spiritual family is built on relationships experienced by mutual sharing.
Therefore, it is recommended that associates pursue their journey and formation at monthly meetings, RHSJ Congregation events, enrichment meetings or friendly social gatherings.
All these means are privileged times for mutual spiritual and personal enrichment, helpful to live the Mission day after day (appendix V)
7. Renewal of Commitment
As a rule the associates renew their commitment annually, but it is possible to do so for several years according to personal wishes as agreed upon by the coordinator.
After a meeting with the coordinator, the associate submits the request in writing and renews the commitment during a celebration. (appendix VII a and b)
Walk in my presence
Genesis 17, 1