The Dominican Projects and the building program continue under the direction of Diane and Tom Brennen. Thankfully, they were able to travel to the Dominican Republic and return home safely without any major health concerns. If you see Tom sometime, ask him to tell you the story of their ride to the airport to catch their flight home. It is a great story.
They built a new house for the disabled in a remote area of San José de Ocoa which you can see in the photo.
Upon their return from the Dominican Republic, Tom and Diane reported that many people in the region are without the basic necessaries of life such as food and medicines. Knowing that we are all having trouble during these unpreceded times the Vermont Associates agreed to donate funds to our fellow associates in San Jose de Ocoa to help them with the distribution of food and medicine to those in the most need. The RHSJ Associate groups in the Dominican Republic were most grateful for the assistance.
May we all be triumphant in the humility of the heart toward those who are struggling incessantly. God watch over us all.