2) - Associates and Charism - Mission - Spirituality
Charisms are gifts of God given to persons. These gifts are freely given, numerous and varied. They are given to reveal a particular facet of God’s love to the world.
Our charism recognized by the Church is found in the statement made by Jerome Le Royer himself:
What liberty are we talking about?
We are referring to this liberty based on Love, love as God loves. Love as Jesus did, who freely and lovingly accepted to give his life for humanity. Having become children of God by Baptism, we are called to this same liberty to which our charism invites us; to live the tender compassion of God who unites and frees, as lived by the Holy Family.
Is there a charism more pertinent to discover, to welcome to live and to witness in a world seeking meaning. Won’t contemporary families find inspiration and wisdom therein?
All charisms are given for a specific mission.
As Associates to the charism and spiritual heritage transmitted by Jerome Le Royer and Marie de la Ferre, our mission in the Church according to our state in life is to be a witness to a loving God who unites and frees.
Rm 12, 6 and following:
“We are to use our different gifts in accordance with the grace given us. Is it the gift of prophecy? Then we should exercise it with faith. Is it to serve? Then we should serve. Is it to teach, then teach. If it is to encourage others, we should do so…….”
In all Christian reality, the charism and the mission are nurtured by a spirituality.
In other words, a spiritual family takes a path to go to God. For the spiritual family of RHSJ, we draw from the heritage of Jerome Le Royer and Marie de la Ferre.
For Jerome, it is union, communion, the bonds of charity which take precedence in the Church. For Marie de la Ferre it is a deep attraction for the Eucharist, union of hearts and attention to the little ones.
The spiritual sons and daughters of Jerome Le Royer and Marie de la Ferre are invited to live this spirituality:
- To be nurtured by the Eucharist, Word of God as well as personal prayer;
- To live in unity, communion among themselves and with those in need;
- by being inspired by the first christian communities;
- By discovering this unity and this communion in contemplating the Holy;
Family, reflection of the Love between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
It is within this context that Father Blanchard, Eudist, commented on Jerome’s invitation as follows:
“First, go to Joseph who will lead you to Mary. One and the other will introduce you to the mystery of Jesus Christ and thus you will come to the adoration and glorification of the Trinity.”