“In caring for the body we may touch the heart of those who are suffering”

This is the call of God which resonated very loudly within me as to Jerome,  “Go, my grace is sufficient for you.”

After having nursed the body for more than 20 years, of which 13 were spent in Africa caring for the physically ill, behold, this call of God directed me to the ministry of spiritual health in which I have been engaged for close to 30 years.  I realized that the sick are not always between two white sheets in a hospital.  There are so many more on our paths who are suffering from heartaches or seeking comfort for the soul.

During a formation session, a Jesuit helped me with my discernment in which he said:  “You know, Juline, you can take all the courses available to learn how to swim, but if you don’t jump into the water, you will never learn how to swim.”  He invited me to accompany persons during a retreat he was giving. This was a launching pad for me.

Following a formation in spirituality, psychology and theology, I became engaged full time in spiritual and psycho-spiritual support.  For the past 15 years I have been serving at the Centre Le Pelerin of Montreal, a formation center, where I accompany those seeking spiritual assistance. As time went on, this commitment has taken on different forms, but always focused on “healing the heart of those who suffer”, regardless of their spiritual orientation.

The passing years have not diminished my joy of “serving Christ in the person of the poor who are his members.” (rhsj const.)  My joy is sustained by those who find the grace of a process I suggest to them as well as the assistance which helps them to recover and pursue their journey with the Lord who guides them onward.

What confirms me in this ministry is the feedback I receive like that of a person who went through a very difficult period in her life: “ Know that your presence,  and your listening was a great comfort for me.  I ask the Lord to pursue in me what He has begun by you.”

Didn’t I have reason to jump in the water, relying on the “strength which has always energized me”?

Sister Juline Roberge
LeRoyer Residence